So I made it, I am in Flores.
My first impression of Guatemala was set at the Guate City Airport: feculence, begging, police men with shot guns, vendedores babbling spanglish- I can't take this chaos after a 16 hours trip! Where to go, what to say, what to do? I need a smoke.
Ok, let's see. I have 8 more hours here. 8 more hours to think about this. Is this how it will be the next 6 month? Maybe I overestimated myself.....
The time at the airport went by super slow and I was pretty bummed.
1 hour later than planned, we finally board the prop airliner to Flores. But now, flying over Guate Ciudad at night, we see how vast the city is. I feel no desire to come back.
We land in Santa Elena. I feel excitement and all of a sudden I am not even scared anymore. I am just hoping please don't shock me! We leave the plane and it feels as if I crash into a wall. It's hard to breathe and I can feel the sweat running down my back while I walk down the 5,6 stairs to the ground. Let's go inside and grab the luggage and hope someone from the Cafe will be there to pick us up... Negative! As soon we stepped out 3 chubby Taxi drivers surround us offering different prices. I don't care. I just wanna ARRIVE! So we take a taxi bus to the Island for Q40 (Quetzales) each; which is like 4 Euros. Sounds like a good deal....
I open the window, feel the cool breeze in my face, see palm trees, hear chirps, passing motorcicles with 4 people on it, scooters with (I assume) husband, wife and sleeping baby. I can't stop smiling. I look at Rike. She is smiling. Thank god- Even though I don't see much am already loving it.
The Cafe looks just like the pictures online. We enter and a small woman welcomes us.
"Somos las nuevas practicantes de Dieter", we say. She looks at us and laughs, she doesn't know any new interns were gonna arrive tonight and has to make a phone call. Dieter is in Antigua and will be back sunday or monday... Ok.
I look around and see friendly faces curiously looking at us. I'm sweating. The street is decorated with coloful lights and we can here music. A tall european-looking guy comes in grinning and introduces himself in German as Alfred. After a little chit-chat we can go upstairs into room #24 TULUM. Still sweating. I feel good though and can't wait to explore the island. 10 minutes later it knocks on our door and a German guy named Sven asks us if we wanna go to a house party for a beer or two. Sure! We change and go downstairs where a group of people, inter alia Alfred, waited for us.
We walked through narrow, rocky streets towards a colorful small house. I hear Merengue and can see that people are dancing. Everyone is super nice and interested in where we come from. Charlotte, another German girl that lives in Flores and hosts the party lets us know that this is a "Un sombrero loco y un bichote" fiesta, which basically means you have to wear a crazy hat and paint a mustache. We don't have a hat, but we have a pen!
It was so much funtalking to all these people from Germany, El Salvador, Guatemala and America but after the first beer the only thing that was on my mind was the bed. We leave while the others decide to go to a Karaoke Bar. Great impressions.
I arrived.
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